Lots of events coming up, including next week's PhotoPlus Expo. I'll be running that down later in the week, but here are some events that are nipping at our heels, so check them out.

TUESDAY October 13 (tomorrow!)
Young Photographers Alliance Inaugural Award Ceremony
Metropolitan Pavilion
110 W. 19th St.
7 - 10pm
More info here. YPA is an organization devoted to helping young photographers connect to the inspiration, resources and contacts they need to build successful careers.
The event will feature hors d’oeuvres, drinks and live jazz. There will be a silent auction of original signed prints by YPA scholarship recipients and famous photographers as well. The award ceremony will be emceed by masters of the craft — Mary Ellen Mark, Fred Conrad, Mark Seliger — and by PDN publisher Lauren Wendle and Worldstudio’s Mark Randall.

WEDNESDAY October 14
W. Eugene Smith Memorial Fund Ceremony
The awards ceremony honors the 30th annual W. Eugene Smith Grant in Humanistic Photography, and The Howard Chapnick Grant for the Advancement of Photojournalism
The grant enables photojournalists to undertake and complete worthy photojournalistic projects. Come view some great photography
Asia Society
725 Park Ave @ 70th St.
Seating is first come, first served and doors open at 6pm.

THURSDAY October 15
Gallery Night on 57th
Sixty-four galleries on 57th Street between Lexington Ave. and 7th Ave. will remain open 5:00 - 8:00pm for this special event. So check out Nicholas Nixon at Pace/McGill, Jacques Henri Lartigue at Howard Greenberg, Brassai at Edwynn Houk and so much more.
Get more info here

SUNDAY October 18
Join En Foco and the Lucie Foundation for a FREE artist talk featuring Mustafah Abdulaziz, Sue Flood, Rachel Papo and Rania Matar.
Splashlight Soho
One Hudson Square
5:30 - 7:00pm
Mandatory RSVP here
The after-party if free for En Foco and Lucie members, and $10 for non-members.

TUESDAY October 20
Lost & Found: A Practical Look at Orphan Work
How should the law treat “orphan works”? Please join us as we discuss proposals that would enable copyrighted works to be used when their owners cannot be located to obtain necessary permissions. Panelists include Eugene H. Mopsik, ASMP's Executive Director.
The Association of the Bar of the City of New York
42 W. 42nd St.

Windows, photographs by Ted Kawalerski
22 W. 22nd St.
6:00 - 9:00pm

THURSDAY October 22
UNSEEN: A Photographers Salon
Unseen is an introduction to some of New York’s most promising, hard working, and creative minds in the photography field whose bold ideas, themes, and techniques work to transcend the history of photographic art. Included are Phil Toledano, Adam Krause, Elizabeth Fleming, Cara Phillips, Richard Renaldi, Ryan Pfluger, Clayton Cotterell and several others.
For more information
Randall Scott Gallery
111 Front Street
6:30 - 9:30 pm
Member Spotlight: Mariette Pathy Allen
Inside the judging of the image 12 contest...
Cell Phone Photography Is Changing Our Culture
Bronx Masquerade curated by Yulia Tikhonova
Help support former ASMP NY President, Thomas Werner in the ASMP National Elections
Help support former ASMP NY President, Thomas Werner in the ASMP National Elections
What are the ASMPNY fine art portfolio reviews like? One word: Intense
What are the ASMPNY fine art portfolio reviews like? One word: Intense
ASMPNY's Fine Art Porfolio Reviews coming up quick
ASMPNY's Fine Art Porfolio Reviews coming up quick
Making People Love You Madly
Making People Love You Madly
The favorites of ASMP NY's Commercial Portfolio Reviews!
The favorites of ASMP NY's Commercial Portfolio Reviews!
Parsons alumni and photographer, Anna Skladmann
Art Basel Miami Beach, Scope, Fountain and Seven
Get Out of Your Cave #2
The continuing success of ASMPNY's commercial portfolio reviews!
It's baaaaack.... Time for Our Members-Only Annual Portfolio Review!
Sandler Sales Training starts TONIGHT!
Do the opposite and you may just be ok...
Tomorrow night Sept 12th... 2001-2011 A Decade of Photography in the Aftermath of 9/11 8-10pm
NY Photographer, Michael Dweck, wins lawsuit for iconic image
NEW!! Bronx Center for Documentary Photography
Focus on Sales: Sandler Sales Training Level One - Fall 2011
Focus on Sales: Sandler Sales Training Level One - Fall 2011
Thank you Stella Kramer!
Thank you Stella Kramer!
ASMPNY'ers! Stay safe and dry during Hurricane Irene.
Willis E. Hartshorn director of ICP steps down due to Parkinson's
Film is not dead... yet, especially in NYC
Film is not dead... yet, especially in NYC
One of our favorite curators, Ruben Natal-San Miguel, accepting photo submissions
TONIGHT! Resource Television Presents: Brooklyn Rooftop Summer
ASMPNY's Summer Party on the Hudson
SAVE THE DATE ! ASMPNY Commercial Portfolio Reviews
Stephen Mallon's "A Bridge Delivered" in Bklyn this Friday
Manjari Sharma wants your support!
Sandler Sales Training Goes to The Next Level--by Stella Kramer
Sandler Sales Training Goes to The Next Level--by Stella Kramer
Image 11 Deadline Extended--by Stella Kramer
Show Us Your Stuff--by Stella Kramer
It's Time for Image 11--by Stella Kramer
Sandler Sales Training 4--by Stella Kramer
Sandler Sales Training 4--by Stella Kramer
Sandler Sales Training Week 3--by Stella Kramer
Sandler Sales Training Week 3--by Stella Kramer
Sandler Sales Training 2: Its All About Trust--by Stella Kramer
Sandler Sales Training 2: Its All About Trust--by Stella Kramer
Sandler Sales Training: A Front Row View--by Stella Kramer
Sandler Sales Training: A Front Row View--by Stella Kramer
Conversations on Fine Art Photography--by Stella Kramer
Let's Get Our Films to Verge--by Stella Kramer
Let's Get Our Films to Verge--by Stella Kramer
Fine Art Conversations--by Stella Kramer
Sandler Sales Training-Sign-Up Now!--by Stella Kramer
It's Party Time Tonight! Bring a Coat!--by Stella Kramer
TRENDS:A Hands-On Workshop--by Stella Kramer
TRENDS:A Hands-On Workshop--by Stella Kramer
The Reviewers Review the Free ASMP Portfolio Review--by Stella Kramer
Fine Art Blogging Panel Last Night--by Stella Kramer
Notes from the Underground - Moments in Seminar History
Notes from the Underground - Moments in Seminar History
Photoplus Expo 2010 has come to an end--by Stella Kramer
An observation from guest Alex Wright of Dripbook
An observation from guest Alex Wright of Dripbook
Presenting Work To Fine Art Community – Mary Virginia Swanson
Some interesting products so far at Photoplus Expo
Making Money In Stock Now--by Stella Kramer
Making Money In Stock Now--by Stella Kramer
End of Day 1 PhotoPlus Expo--by Stella Kramer
An Intro to HDSLR Cinema with Vincent Laforet
An Intro to HDSLR Cinema with Vincent Laforet
PhotoPlus Expo Is Coming to Town--by Stella Kramer
Free Braintrust Meeting Tomorrow!--by Stella Kramer
Free Braintrust Meeting Tomorrow!--by Stella Kramer
Sales Training Seminar--by Stella Kramer
Sales Training Seminar--by Stella Kramer
Upcoming Shows Worth Seeing--by Stella Kramer
Call for Photojournalism--by Stella Kramer
Call for Photojournalism--by Stella Kramer
Manjari Sharma: The Shower Series--by Stella Kramer
Chelsea Art Walk Tonight 5pm-8pm--by Stella Kramer
Flashes of Hope--by Stella Kramer
Last day to see MSF's Starved for Attention exhibition in New York!--by Stella Kramer
David Arky On Still Life and X-Rays--by Stella Kramer
RESTREPO Theatrical Release--by Stella Kramer
Heart for Haiti--by Stella Kramer
Robert Herman Talks About "The New Yorkers"--by Stella Kramer
Review 2010 is Here!--by Stella Kramer
Haiti Is Not Forgotten--by Stella Kramer
Julie Grahame is aCurator--by Stella Kramer
It's Going To Be A Big Photo Week--by Stella Kramer
It's All Happening This Week--by Stella Kramer
This Week's Events-April 26 - May 2--by Stella Kramer
What Do I Charge?--by Stella Kramer
This Week in Photo Land--by Stella Kramer
The End of Any Semblence of Reality--by Stella Kramer
The End of Any Semblence of Reality--by Stella Kramer
ROAD TRIP! Hasselblad and Resource Magazine go on Tour--by Stella Kramer
I'm a California Girl--by Stella Kramer
I'm a California Girl--by Stella Kramer
Image 10 Call for Entries--by Stella Kramer
Come Support Verge and Haiti--by Stella Kramer
Tell Me What You're Working On--by Stella Kramer
Tell Me What You're Working On--by Stella Kramer
Tonight and Tomorrow Around Town--by Stella Kramer
Barbara Alper and Sea Samba--by Stella Kramer
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About Me
About Me
My Photo
I've been in the art and photography industry for 15 years as a photographer, curator and art consultant. I've been fortunate to work with ASMPNY as a portfolio reviewer as well as a panelist for photography events here in the city. Earlier this year my exhibition, "Hotter Than July" was reviewed by senior art critic of New York Magazine, Jerry Saltz. In the past I founded veaux.org, a site for emerging creatives with a gallery space in Chelsea as well as curator/consultant of exhibitions for the Hipstamatic iphone app. Currently I'm working on a project documenting the New York art world while curating exhibitions around the city.
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