1. If you didn't make it to FPS Fest in Williamsburg Tuesday night, you missed a great bunch of people and a terrific show of photographers' films.

    The evening began with Shinichi Maruyama showing a short work reel full of dripping, dropping, and splashing liquid that was hypnotic, yet calming. It made me think about how difficult it is to shoot a perfect rush of liquid.

    Alexx Henry's "Living Art," was a behind-the-scenes look at a shoot of Ironman Chris Lieto for Outside Magazine. What I liked best was the discussion of the future ways in which printed media will incorporate moving image. It was totally fascinating to me and I'm still thinking about that.

    Noah Webb showed "A Thousand Bees," assembled from 4,500 still images. It was completely different from all the other work, inventive and full of vibrancy. It was like a collage come to life.

    Andrew Hetherington
    brought a great dose of humor with his short "Meet The Hetheringtons,"a verbal/visual back-and-forth between Andrew and Tim Hetherington (no relation). It just goes to show that an idea is the most important element you can bring to a project. It's not always about crews and equipment. Kudos to him for that.

    "Sleeping Soldiers," Tim Hetherington's multi-media piece followed, incorporating a triptych to juxtapose sleeping soldiers with the battlefield, in this case Afghanistan, where Tim was embedded with a U.S. platoon.
    At times it was as if we could see the dreams of the soldiers, as landscape blew across their sleeping bodies, until we were shocked awake by a frantic, stunned soldiers' pain. It was beautiful, inventive and powerful.

    I introduced the trailer of Louie Psihoyos' "The Cove" and will say again: See this documentary! You can read my two part interview with Louie Psihoyos on my blog, Stellazine.

    There was more humor from Bob Scott and his camera review. Clever, funny and a great use of short film with numerous possibilities.

    It was distressing to me that two of the women presenting films, KT Auleta and Candace Meyer were the only ones who interjected sex into their work. I am disappointed that all they offered up was that Madonna-influenced "if I treat myself as a sex object then I'm the one with the power" bullshit. Where are the strong, interesting, accomplished women? Where is the content with real value, instead of portraits of girl-women in baby clothes?

    All in all, congratulations to Dripbook, Resource Magazine, ASMP and all the others who made this possible and presented something that speaks to the future, and more creative possibilities for photographers. I felt like this was the opening of a dialogue that will continue for those creative people who are moving forward with the desire to make themselves heard.

    Let's have more of this!

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  2. Tomorrow, Friday, November 13 brings us SLIDELUCK POTSHOW XIV at The Aperture Foundation in Chelsea and will be co-curated by Lesley Martin, Aperture's book publisher. The theme of the fourteenth show in New York City is INSIDE OUT.

    For this show, all guests will need to purchase $10 tickets support of both SLPS and The Aperture Foundation. Due to spatial limitations, this event will be considerably more intimate than recent NYC Slidelucks. If you are serious about securing a spot for this show, we invite you to purchase your tickets immediately!

    The Aperture Foundation

    547 W. 27th St, 4th Floor
    7pm Potluck | 9pm Slideshow

    Here's how next week is shaping up:

    Monday, November 16

    ASMP presents "Presenting Your Work to the Fine Art Community"a Mary Virginia Swanson Lecture and Food Drive to be held at Studio 385
    In this lecture, marketing consultant/educator Mary Virginia Swanson provides an overview of the fine art market for photographers.

    Updated frequently, this lecture is a must for all photographers considering exploring the fine art market and provides current insights on marketing and details of upcoming deadlines and events.

    During this presentation, Mary Virginia Swanson will provide insights into the most efficient and effective avenues for introducing your work to industry professionals towards presenting your work in the collectible fine art market.

    She will discuss the strategies surrounding submitting work to national and international juried exhibitions and portfolio review events such as FotoFest, Photolucida and European festivals. Art fairs such as AIPAD and Photo LA will be discussed from the standpoint of assessing market trends and helping artists determine which dealers will be most appropriate for their work.

    Swanson will also cover the professional practices necessary to effectively present your photographs in the market, as well as sharing examples of effective self-promotion materials in print and on-line formats.

    Handouts with related information will be shared with participants.

    ASMP members: FREE but are encouraged to bring a food donation
    Non-ASMP members: $20 or $15 with a food donation
    Students with I.D.: $5 or free with food donation

    The food will be delivered to one of the needy food pantries in NYC. Please bring non-perishable food!

    Studio 385
    385 Broadway—bet. White & Walker
    New York City
    6:30 - 9:30pm

    Register here

    Tuesday, November 17

    FPS Fest
    , presented by Dripbook, Resource Magazine, and ROOT Capture is a film screening event that explores the transition from still photography to motion.
    Dripbook is announcing support of HD video across Dripbook’s promotional platform, continuing a leading-edge commitment to advanced promotion for today’s creative professionals.

    The work of Andrew Hetherington, Vince Laforet, Philip Bloom, Alexx Henry, Noah Webb, Amber Gray, Bob Scott, Candace Meyer, F Scott Schafer, KT Auleta, Alex Buono and Louie Psihoyos will be shown.

    ROOT Capture provides premier digital services for Drive In, TREC, & ROOT Brooklyn by working closely with photographers and DP’s to create customized, versatile still/motion capture packages for both location & studio.
    Resource Magazine presents RETV, an online video magazine presenting photo and video industry content to help creative professionals bridge the gap between stills and motion technology.

    Root Brooklyn
    131 North 14th St.
    Brooklyn, NY 11211
    Doors open at 6pm
    $5 entry fee. Beer and popcorn will be served.

    And finally, way down the line, but none the less important, on Wednesday, December 9 we have FREE! Bobbi Lane’s Metering Video Premiere Event

    Join educator and photographer Bobbi Lane for the premiere of her new video for the MAC group on metering techniques with Sekonic meters. The video features guitarist Will Pino on a rooftop in Manhattan during an incredible sunset.

    Lane will be in attendance to talk about her insights on the creation of these dynamic images using Sekonic meters and Calumet Travelites. After the video debut at 7 p.m., Lane will demonstrate creative lighting and camera techniques while balancing the light between the strobes and the ambient to make some unusual photos that show off Pino's unique style of music. Reception includes refreshments and a special musical performance by Pino.

    It will be an educational and enlightening experience!

    This event is free, but does require registration.

    Calumet New York
    22 W. 22nd Street
    6:00 - 8:00pm

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  3. I was hoping to write a wrap up of the PhotoPlus Expo, but found I couldn't sum it up at all. I enjoyed the seminars I went to, noticed fewer exhibitors, and wondered about the people who attended: were they from out of town or mostly New Yorkers? So now it's over, but there are some cool events to attend and look forward to over the next two weeks.

    Monday November 9

    Bill Cramer, CEO of Wonderful Machine will be speaking at the Apple Store as part of the ImageMakers Series. He'll be talking about branding and marketing for photographers, and a little about his own photography and Wonderful Machine.
    The event is at 103 Prince St. (between Mercer & Greene), from 6:30 - 8:00 pm and is free, though seating is limited.
    There's more info here

    And be sure to join everyone at the post-lecture social at The Cupping Room, 359 W. Broadway (between Broome & Grand) for a cash bar and some appetizers.

    Tuesday, November 10

    ASMP NE Chapter presents:
    An Evening with Eugene Richards
    Mass Bay Community College
    Wellesley Hills
    50 Oakland St.
    Wellesley Hills, MA
    Register here

    Wednesday, November 11

    ADHESIVE NYC: Sticking Creatives Together is having a soiree at:
    Sweet & Vicious
    5 Spring St (Between Elizabeth Street and Bowery)
    6:30pm - ???

    Thursday, November 12

    An Evening with Jay Maisel
    Yale University is presenting an evening with this world-class photographer, starting at 7:00 pm (doors open at 6:30)at Linsly-Chittenden Hall Rm 102, 63 High St., New Haven, CT
    $15 ASMP members & students, $25 non-members
    Register here
    They will be giving away door prizes from ThinkTank, Image Rights, and O'Reilly Media. The event is sponsored by Epson.

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About Me
About Me
My Photo
I've been in the art and photography industry for 15 years as a photographer, curator and art consultant. I've been fortunate to work with ASMPNY as a portfolio reviewer as well as a panelist for photography events here in the city. Earlier this year my exhibition, "Hotter Than July" was reviewed by senior art critic of New York Magazine, Jerry Saltz. In the past I founded veaux.org, a site for emerging creatives with a gallery space in Chelsea as well as curator/consultant of exhibitions for the Hipstamatic iphone app. Currently I'm working on a project documenting the New York art world while curating exhibitions around the city.
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