Since this has been a really slow time for a lot of photographers I'm wondering what people are doing to fill their time. What are you shooting? Do you have a personal project you're working on?
I’m trying to get a broader view of what people are shooting across the country that reflects our economy, their own communities, or the stimulus projects around the country. I’d like to hear from you and am asking for links so I can see your work (that's better than emailing images).
My idea is to pull together a project with strong, moving images that are both timely and universal. If this speaks to you, email me at
If you are outside of the US, yet are shooting similar things, I'd like to know. I haven’t decided the particulars of the project--I’m just getting started--and no matter how much work I look at, I don’t see or hear about everything.
Be sure to tell your friends as well. I'm happy to look at lots of work.
It's easy with our busy lives, to lose track of the fact that the people in Haiti are still suffering to a massive extent. The media is moving on, and it can be overwhelming to look at the destruction over and over again. The photography community has stepped up, selling prints through a number of places, and I thought I would list a number of them here. So if you haven't donated money yet, or if you want to do more, here's your chance.
WallSpace Gallery in Seattle, is selling $50 prints by such photographers as David Bram (bottom), Emily Shur (top), Lydia Panas, Aline Smithson, Liz Kuball, Jordan Tate, and many more. All proceeds go to Doctors Without Borders and their efforts in Haiti.
Soul Catcher Studio is also offering prints to support Doctors Without Borders. Photographers included are Laurie Lambrecht, Heather McClintock, Ann Pallesen, Sarah Wilson (top), Natalie Young, Jennifer Shaw, Sarah Small (bottom), and others from around the country.
Cameron Davidson is selling prints of his aerial photographs and donating the profits to the the Community Coalition for Haiti, to benefit farmers and children in Haiti. The money will help buy seeds for farmers whose crops were damaged by hurricanes and provide food for needy children. Davidson has been shooting photos for this NGO since 1999 and serves on its board.
You can see much more of Davidson's work, and order prints, on his AerialStock site.
Big Cartel is offering prints from emerging photographers like Rachel Hulin, Rafael Soldi, Kate Hutchinson (below), Alex Leme, Sarah Sudoff, and others. Proceeds go to Doctors Without Borders. Many of the $50 are already sold out, so don't waste time.
San Francisco photographer Jeff Singer will be donating 100% of the proceeds from the next ten print sales* from his etsy page to The American Red Cross or Oxfam (buyer choice) to help with the Haiti disaster relief. Print prices range from $50 – $200 depending on the size of the print, so the larger the print the more money will be going to Haiti relief. All prints are individually custom printed.
*100% of the print sale will be donated after any paypal/etsy fees or taxes. Just mention this blog post or Haiti disaster relief when ordering. Good through the end of February.
Images Without Borders provides stunning images from world class photographers working around the globe offered to the public at a special price for this project. All profits go directly to Doctors without Borders, less only the cost of printing.
(Gallery Prints $50-100 : iPhone prints $32)
A Photographic Benefit for the Survivors of the Haiti Earthquake
All proceeds go to the American Red Cross International Response Fund for Haiti relief.
Several photographers, including the iconic photojournalist Mary Ellen Mark, have donated photographs to help create this special fund-raising collection of captivating images to benefit the people of Haiti. The title Haiti: Onè Respe comes from a traditional Haitian greeting meaning "honor and respect."
Since MagCloud has generously offered to pay for the printing costs, your purchase price of $12.00 will be donated in full to the American Red Cross International Response Fund for Haiti relief.
Photographs by: Chet Gordon, Kari Hartmann, Mary Ellen Mark, Peter Pereira, Lindsay Stark. Edited by Lane Hartwell and Michael Biven
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