Hasselblad and Resource Magazine are joining forces and taking their show on the road in a series of events called "Three Stage".
Thursday, March 25
they'll be in New York and the first stop on their road trip is Milk Studios at 450 W. 15th St.

In their own words:
"The Three Stage" events will celebrate the release of Hasselblad’s new H4D line of cameras, featuring the innovative TrueFocus technology, and offer photographers a hands-on and interactive experience with this and other selected equipment, from computer to lights to photo software.

Attendees will be able to test the latest photography gear, discuss with company reps and fellow photographers, and witness and participate to live demonstrations. Each event will include “Three Stages”, 3 separate shooting spaces hosted by highly recognized photographers from each community, each representing a different field of photography (i.e. still life, fashion, portrait)."

There will also be cocktail parties in each city, and a chance to hang out and network. I'll be there as a media sponsor, so find me and say hello.

Hasselblad will also be announcing their Hassy Community winners at each event. More info here

You can also check Twitter and Facebook.

Other cities on the tour are:

Los Angeles
- April 8th, 2010

Chicago- April 22nd, 2010

San Francisco
- April 29th, 2010

Atlanta- June 2010

D.C.- July 2010

Toronto- September 2010

Miami- October 2010

New York City
- October 2010

So sign up and join your fellow photo people for shoots, talk, cocktails and the chance to get your itchy little fingers on some very cool new equipment..

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