David Arky On Still Life and X-Rays--by Stella Kramer
I have admired David Arky's work for a long time. The precision and cleverness of his still life work always attracted me, and I am a great fan of his X-ray photography.
RESTREPO Theatrical Release--by Stella Kramer
Photographer Tim Hetherington, and journalist Sebastian Junger's award-winningt documentary, RESTREPO is making it's theatrical debut Friday, June 25 at the Angelika Theater.
Heart for Haiti--by Stella Kramer
Don't miss the Heart for Haiti exhibit opening Wednesday, June 16
Aperture Gallery
547 West 27th Street, 4th Fl.
(between 10th and 11th Ave.)
6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
$20 suggested donation at the door.