A lot is happening, so get up, and get on out!


Chris Killip " 4 + 2 0 P H O T O G R A P H S"

Amador Gallery
Fuller Building
41 E 57 Street 6 Fl
6pm - 8pm


New Orleans photographers Jennifer Shaw, Bryce Lankard, David Halliday and printmaker Kyle Bravo bring work influenced by the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina to Salomon Arts Gallery. The collection of art in "Delugians" focuses on a different aspect of the aftermath, how the emotional, social, and psychological effects of this catastrophe manifest themselves in the work of 4 lens-based artists.

Jennifer Shaw
Hurricane Story is a graphic novel told in photographs. A first person narrative illustrated with toys, Hurricane Story depicts the strange true tale of Shaw's evacuation adventures, including the dramatic birth of a son on the day Katrina made landfall. Shaw's toy camera, black and white images have always had a dreamlike quality, but these vibrant color images are a notable departure from the idealized world of her earlier work.

David Halliday
Whether it is landscapes, still lifes or portraits, David Halliday is well known for a luscious, meticulous approach for revealing the beauty in the mundane. New Orleanians have long been the subject of his portraits. In pre-Katrina days those subjects often reflected the whimsy and eccentricity of the city, while his portraits post-Katrina, of volunteers at Common Ground, a lower 9th ward organization, show an altogether new side of life in New Orleans, and reveal a somberness that reflects the burden of their struggle.

Bryce Lankard
Having experienced the trauma of 9/11 as a New Yorker, Bryce Lankard found in the Katrina disaster that unfolded in his beloved city of New Orleans, another event that tore at the fabric of his world. Witnessing first-hand the physical and psychological toll that both events exacted, and yet saturated by images of destruction, Bryce set out to create images that capture the idea of loss in another way. "Blink of an Eye" is a series of images and faux panoramas that use the iconography of childhood and summertime, both fleeting, temporal periods, quickly gone, to suggest how quickly things, taken for granted, can disappear.

Kyle Bravo
Primarily a printmaker, Kyle Bravo, has used photography liberally in two series of "conglomerations". In "Obituary Conglomerations" Kyle has sampled from the Obituary section of the Times-Picayune to create collective portraits of the dead of New Orleans. His own photographs of architectural elements of wrecked homes of the lower 9th ward are collaged into graphic icons in "House Conglomerations." The subjects of both series, when removed from their context, serve as signposts of the post-traumatic stress, depression, destruction and spiritual and emotional brokenness that plague many in New Orleans.

Salomon Arts Gallery
83 Leonard Street, 4th floor (Tribeca)


Rick Wester Fine Art
511 West 25th Street Suite 205
between 10th & 11th Avenues

"Jon Smith is making risky, provocative images out of ordinary moments, fixing himself as a bright star of his generation... He is street savvy with a sensitive eye, showing the mystery hidden in everyday intimate moments. This work bears a sensibility and a poetic impulse reminiscent not only of Edward Hopper's New York, but the dark pleasures of Blue Velvet as well."
Joel Meyerowitz

"Pathos" Tetsugo Hyakutake

"I attempt to connect historical, economic, and social issues of post-war Japan with personal experiences and the voices of my generation. Despite the loss of human lives, destruction of its major cities, and its lack of raw materials, Japan became the second largest economy in the world in less than 30 years. Industrialization and economic development are often considered to be synonymous with the advancement of society. This is one 'unspoken truth' that I attempt to question by expressing the ironic duality of both the beauty and dehumanization inherent in industrialization."--Tetsugo Hyakutake

Alan Klotz Gallery
511 West 25th Street, Suite 701
6pm - 8pm

Paul Strand in Mexico

A historic exhibition comprised of over a hundred photographic works by Strand, including vintage prints, previously unseen documents, and ephemera, that presents a unique and important photographic portrait of Mexico at a critical point in its history by one of the great modern masters.

Also at Aperture

Mexico + Afuera: Contemporary Mexican and Mexican-American Voices curated by Miriam Romais of En Foco
Aperture Gallery
547 W. 27th 4th floor
6pm - 8pm

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ASMP New York has relaunched SHARPEN, the online magazine of ASMP New York.

Today begins a new feature, a weekly “spotlight” of our fellow ASMP NY members.  I'll introduce inspiring men and women that are world renowned, at the beginning of their careers, and somewhere in between.  Here we'll celebrate each others accomplishments and how their work moves the world forward. My name is Teresa Kruszewski, a current board member and the fortunate person to spend time with each member and get to know their story.  I hope you enjoy our new feature.

Huge thank you to Elizabeth Avedon, Holly Stuart Hughes, Jody Quon, Marc Sobier and Hosanna Marshall for taking time to delve deep in all the wonderful imagery everyone submitted. Tough decisions but lots of fun! Enjoy the pics by Alex Geana.

ASMP New York has Relaunched SHARPEN, the online magazine of ASMP New York. We have daily news, features, advice and over 20 columnists.

ASMP New York has Relaunched SHARPEN, the online magazine of ASMP New York. We have daily news, features, advice and over 20 columnists.

I admit, it has taken me a long time to get used to the notion that a photo taken with a cell phone is totally acceptable. I was a student of old school photography and I wanted to remain that way for a long time. However, there is a time when one should swallow their pride and admit that technology changes. That was me about 4 years ago. I've had a Hasselblad, a Canon AE-1, a Holga, a Polaroid land camera and still have a Nikon SLR D40x.

(A wonderful perspective and advice for our community.)


It’s Just Business

Several recent threads on ASMP’s on-line forums have dealt with photographers’ frustration with client negotiations. Clients were proposing budgets below and terms beyond what the photographers considered fair. Photographers lamented that clients continually refused to see the value in what they provide.

Photo by Ruben Natal-San Miguel, from the Nocturnal/Activo series, Bronx, 2012.


Bronx Masquerade brings together ten emerging Bronx artists who uncover the true stories of the young people in the Bronx.

Featuring: Melissa A Calderon, Xavier Figueroa, Isabel Figueroa, Edwin Gonzalez, Glendalys Medina, Amy Payor, Elle Perez, Tiana Markova-Gold, Lisa Napier, Ruben Natal-San Miguel, and Jay Paavonpera.

We would like to ask you help us support a former ASMPNY President in this election. As many of you know, Thomas Werner was central to the rebuilding the of New York Chapter, helping to create the strong and vital chapter that you know today.

As a reviewer for the 3rd year in a row I remembered how fast-paced the reviews can be. How stressful it is for the person getting reviewed. It reminds me of what speed-dating must be like. You have to be prepared for your "elevator speech" -describing in less than a minute what your work is about and for the lasting 9 minutes you are engaged with your chosen reviewer.

Tuesday, Feb 7th is the annual Fine Art Portfolio Reviews, are you ready to show your stuff?


***Only prints will be reviewed (no iPads or laptops) unless the work is meant to be exhibited in a museum or gallery hooked up to a computer.

Get your book reviewed by some of the most prestigious names in the business.


Elizabeth Avedon

Jen Bekman Gallery

Steven Kasher Gallery


Reinberger Galleries

The Center for Photography at Woodstock

Plus many more....
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About Me
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I've been in the art and photography industry for 15 years as a photographer, curator and art consultant. I've been fortunate to work with ASMPNY as a portfolio reviewer as well as a panelist for photography events here in the city. Earlier this year my exhibition, "Hotter Than July" was reviewed by senior art critic of New York Magazine, Jerry Saltz. In the past I founded veaux.org, a site for emerging creatives with a gallery space in Chelsea as well as curator/consultant of exhibitions for the Hipstamatic iphone app. Currently I'm working on a project documenting the New York art world while curating exhibitions around the city.
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