Photo Expo has once again come to a close. A crazy three day whirlwind of seminars, cameras, networking, BMX bikes and fun at the cavernous Javits Center, NYC!

Some fun things:

1. HDDSLR with Vincent Laforet seminar Thursday morning.
2. Free Black Rapid Strap giveaway if you recite something they tell you to say from their Twitter
3. The coffee in the press lounge
4. Seeing old friends and making new friends
5. The BMX ramp!!!!
6. Learning, learning, learning at the seminars and by talking to folks. Everyone was very generous with their time
7. The parties!

Some not as fun things:

1. The Javits Center
2. The fact that there was less space in the area they used in the Javits center, thus making
it almost impossible to walk down the showroom aisles. Check out my video to find out first hand accounts of the Expo.
3. The coffee in the press lounge!
4. It was sub degree temperatures in the seminar rooms
5. Some of the seminars were really not as good as other seminars. But I guess that's all subjective.

As I reflect on my first expo that I attended in 2002. I had just graduated from college and didn't really know anyone in the NYC photo industry. I feel as though I have made some large strides since then. DSLR camera's have also made some large strides. Now we have as many megapixels as we can dream off and we can shoot HD video with our DSLR cameras and we can actually afford these cameras!! They are not for the elite top photographers, they are for you and me and your parents too. I'm hopeful that next year I will be as impressed with the developments in HDDSLR cameras and that the prices tags will also make me equally happy.

Until next year!

-Andrea Fischman

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(A wonderful perspective and advice for our community.)


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About Me
My Photo
I've been in the art and photography industry for 15 years as a photographer, curator and art consultant. I've been fortunate to work with ASMPNY as a portfolio reviewer as well as a panelist for photography events here in the city. Earlier this year my exhibition, "Hotter Than July" was reviewed by senior art critic of New York Magazine, Jerry Saltz. In the past I founded, a site for emerging creatives with a gallery space in Chelsea as well as curator/consultant of exhibitions for the Hipstamatic iphone app. Currently I'm working on a project documenting the New York art world while curating exhibitions around the city.
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