I want to pass along this email I just got from Robert Hooman, and ask everyone to pass it along.
"Hello friends! I've been asked by the Verge International Art Fair to curate a video screening/motion gallery for the art fair this year in NYC. It'll be held in DUMBO March 3-6.
I'm looking at video submissions for the next couple weeks and I would very much like to see your work, or if you've seen and know an artist/filmmaker who may have material for me, please direct them to me. This will be quite an undertaking and I'll be needing all the help I can get to pull together a stellar show!!
Here are my submission criteria:
-I'm seeking work that'll challenge the viewer's visual language and understanding, present a unique narrative and have interesting style and/or technique.
-All work must be produced in the last three years
-No restrictions on language or country
-I'll be looking at original pieces from all formats. including but not limited to: Live action, animation, documentary, mixed media, video installations, video art (even slide shows that blow me away).
-Maximum length should be between 4-5 minutes and not a frame longer than that.
-NO trailers, excerpts, cut-downs, multi-segements or REELS will be considered. All work must be self contained and hold up as an individual piece of artwork/story/video (or whatever you want to call it). If you need to re-edit to fit your piece in the 5min limit, that is okay.
-If the screening requires special equipment or additional gear, artist will have to provide the equipment. We will provide security for your equipment (whether its inside or outside)
-Please be ready to submit a final high-res version digital format, if the piece is accepted. So even if I review the work on YouTube, I will need a full resolution and full size version.
-I'm still working out terms and conditions with the organizers
-We are still looking at delivery/screening methods.
Please send a LINK (AND ONLY A LINK) to VIDEO@RobertHooman.com. If you cannot upload or link your work, please contact me directly and we'll figure something out. PLEASE DO NOT ATTACH VIDEO FILES TO THE EMAILS. All emails with attachments will be deleted without consideration.
I'm looking forward to your submission."
(A wonderful perspective and advice for our community.)
It’s Just Business
Several recent threads on ASMP’s on-line forums have dealt with photographers’ frustration with client negotiations.
It’s Just Business
Several recent threads on ASMP’s on-line forums have dealt with photographers’ frustration with client negotiations.
We would like to ask you help us support a former ASMPNY President in this election. As many of you know, Thomas Werner was central to the rebuilding the of New York Chapter, helping to create the strong and vital chapter that you know today.
As a reviewer for the 3rd year in a row I remembered how fast-paced the reviews can be. How stressful it is for the person getting reviewed. It reminds me of what speed-dating must be like.
Tuesday, Feb 7th is the annual Fine Art Portfolio Reviews, are you ready to show your stuff?
***Only prints will be reviewed (no iPads or laptops) unless the work is meant to be exhibited in a museum or gallery hooked up to a computer.
***Only prints will be reviewed (no iPads or laptops) unless the work is meant to be exhibited in a museum or gallery hooked up to a computer.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
How do you stand out in a crowded market? Not by spending the most and yelling the loudest — that’s a sucker’s game (and boy, do those suckers get annoying, fast.) The secret to gaining attention in a noisy world lies in making yourself irresistible at all turns:
How do you stand out in a crowded market? Not by spending the most and yelling the loudest — that’s a sucker’s game (and boy, do those suckers get annoying, fast.) The secret to gaining attention in a noisy world lies in making yourself irresistible at all turns:
Focus on Sales: Sandler Sales Training Level One
Tuesdays, this fall! Sandler Sales Training is back ! Why should you take this course?
Do you want to learn how to uncover a prospect's budget? Did you ever hear, "I'm interested, but call me back after the holidays"? Then you never heard back from
Tuesdays, this fall! Sandler Sales Training is back ! Why should you take this course?
Do you want to learn how to uncover a prospect's budget? Did you ever hear, "I'm interested, but call me back after the holidays"? Then you never heard back from
Must give a major shout out to Stella Kramer who edited and published this blog for the past few years- keeping it chocked full of information and writings based on the contemporary photography world, commercially and in fine art. It must be noted that she posted everything before August 2011.
Most of us miss the smell of a darkroom and the potent chemicals that seep through our hands and clothes back in the day when the darkroom was king.
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