The interesting thing I find about taking the Sandler sales training class is that it is forcing me to think about my relationship with money. I don’t think I’m unusual in the sense that I have trouble talking about it with people. I think most of us do. But I realize that until I learn to separate my personal fears from my business needs I can never get to the point where I can do business with potential clients without being uncomfortable.
At this level with the classes we are basically doing role playing, and writing scripts to deal with all the elements that make doing business easier. After identifying three thinking we planned on mastering over the course of the class, we work on putting what we’ve learned into action.
Bob Heiss is so fluid with the language of talking business that we are all reduced to scribbling as fast as we can to write down what he says exactly as he says it. I have found his suggestions on how to handle situations so spot on, that I wonder if it will ever become second nature for me, as it is for him.
I am trying to practice what to say to a client, hoping that through repetition it will become easier and more natural for me. As of now, there is still so much I have to learn. Our homework for next week is to practice scripts with each other, particular to where we are with any of our clients. But I confess, I have not really spent time looking over my notes before talking with a client. That is something that needs to change.
It seems to me that by the time I am finished with the Sandler training classes I will be so much more fluent in the language of business, and what will work for me. I know that this formal training is becoming invaluable, and I already can see the upside to changes I have made in my business. I think I just need the courage and conviction to make changes, and leave behind my fears and years of conditioning.
It’s ironic that we have so much trouble talking about and dealing with money, and yet it permeates our lives on every level. I guess like other things taking the personal out of the equation allows for greater flexibility, and ultimately greater satisfaction. If I can reach that place in my life, I think I can make things even better for myself. And that might be the best lesson of all.
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