NEW YORK, NY - September 2011 - Now in its 6th consecutive year, ASMP NY will host its annual Commercial Portfolio Review for all ASMP NY members on October 11, 2011.
Over 30 reviewers from the photography industry will provide insightful, valuable feedback on photographers' work. The New York chapter, ASMP's largest, produces this event to allow emerging and professional photographers to have their work reviewed by experts in photography, advertising and media, and to receive direct feedback. It also serves as a launch pad for future collaborations and career development.
ASMPNY will host approximately 100 photographers at the review. Each photographer will have an allotted time to show one body of work to each reviewer and receive feedback about the work, the presentation, style, what's working and what to improve. Photographers can see multiple reviewers in one evening, while also making contacts for potential work. Photographers can show their portfolios in print or video format.
This year's reviewers include: Magnum Photos, The New York Times, Wonderful Machine, Mercury Lab, Billboard Magazine, Esquire, RETV and many more...
Past reviewers have included: The New York Times, BBDO, The Wall Street Journal, Hearst Publications, Levine and Leavitt, Forbes, Getty Images, PDN and many more!
Event Details
Date: October 11, 2011s
Time: 6:30 - doors open
7pm - review promptly begins
9:30pm -review promptly ends
Location: Calumet Photographic event space
22 West 22nd St., 2nd Floor, New York, New York 10010
Cost: FREE to ASMP members
*Non-members who wish to attend can join ASMP NY as a member and get this benefit right away
Registration: Registration is now open, click HERE to register
See you there at Calumet Event space 22 West 22nd Street NYC NY 10010
Why should you take this course?
· Do you want to learn how to uncover a prospect's budget?
· Do you ever hear, "I'm interested, call me after the holidays?" or "This is great, I just need to run it by my boss/editor/wife/business partner?" but you never hear back from the prospect?
· Do you feel like you're at a disadvantage when negotiating?
Sandler Sales Training with ASMPNY gives real world solutions for all of these sales issues and more. Let's face it, photographers need a roadmap to navigate the highways and byways of the current market. Sandler gives photographers a complete system for handling the sales process and uncovering a prospect's real motives for buying. The 6-session Level One course will start Tuesday, September 27 and meet every other Tuesday.
On average, photographers who have taken this class have closed $11,000 worth of business using the Sandler Method. Yes, that is ELEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS! Who couldn't use $11,000 extra dollars? We guarantee you will get so much value out of the course, that if after the first class you don't want to continue we will refund your money. No questions asked. In essence, the first class is free to try out.
Led by Bob Heiss of Sandler Training, a world leader in innovative sales training, the course will combine classroom learning, role-playing and negotiation, and individual troubleshooting using YOUR real world examples. "The course was one of the smartest %&$#@ things I've seen a trade organization cover in recent times. It really breaks from the norm of presentations. Most appreciated is that this course was not taught by someone in the photo industry. The outside perspective was excellent and very applicable." - Shannon Fagan, Photographer
"I have attended seminars like this for over three decades and none compare to the excellence of this course. Bob Heiss offers a path to expand our business contacts and remain true to our creative work. It is a clear, structured, exciting and meaningful approach to sales. It gives a tangible method to integrate one's personal experience, fundamental interaction with people, and conduct our business in a positive flow. There is so much more ground to cover and I am eager for Level 2. I recommend the Sandler Training for every artist and photographer who is serious about their profession." - Joe Goldman, Member ASMP, Member International Cinematographers Guild
"I found this class to be one of the most helpful, hands-on, real-world workshops I've ever done. If you're like most photographers, it might have taken you a while to realize you were actually running a business. This class fills in the blanks in a big way. It is the best investment in my career I've made since I bought my first professional camera. Sign me up for the next level!" - Sari Goodfriend, Photographer
Dates: every other Tuesday starting tonight, September 27 until December 13 (6 sessions)
Time: 6:30pm arrive
7:00pm training begins
9:00pm training ends
Location: TRS Suites, 44 East 32nd Street, 11th floor, New York, NY 10016
The course is limited to a maximum of 30 participants. Register now to assure your place.
ASMP Member $249
Professional Association Member $375
Non-member $3992View comments
Tomorrow night Sept 12th... 2001-2011 A Decade of Photography in the Aftermath of 9/11 8-10pm
Tomorrow night September 12th is the very special curated photography show by Ruben Natal-San Miguel about the 10 years since 9/11. This exhibition is supported by Finch & Ada.
September Salon, featuring selected works by, Raymond Adams, Robert Otto Epstein, Dolly Faibyshev, Robert Forman, Rachelle Mozman, Ruben Natal-San Miguel, Diane Russo, Brian Shumway & Robin Schwartz
Greenwich House Music
46 Barrow Street, West Village, NYC 10014
Due to space limits, please RSVP at
Monday, September 12, 2011, 8-10pm
Projection Presentation 8-830pm | Public Reception 830-10pm
Exhibition on View | Indoor & Garden Reception
Please join us on Monday, September 12, 2011, from 8-10pm as we kick-off September's art season with a special curated projection by Ruben Natal-San Miguel, "A Decade of Photography in the Aftermath of 9/11." Natal-San Miguel has prepared the following artist statement:
"As a survivor of attacks on Sept 11, 2001 and now a photographer, curator and an influential figure among fine art photography community, I want to celebrate life, commemorate the 10-year anniversary and showcase how photography, as an art media and derivative works, have changed the face of America and the World."
"It is a demonstration of how our life, a worldly vision manifested through the use of the photographer’s lens and accompanied by all the technological advances, has evolved since right after 9/11 until today. It will reflect the new sensibilities in this art medium, created by the war, the economy and the advances in the technological landscapes. The exhibition will also highlight some of the most iconic images over the past decade. These photography images over the last 10-years will be on exhibition display via the World Wide Web as a unique virtual gallery and as a special slide/musical presentation to be held at the historical Greenwich House Music School. Let the healing begin!"
As part of the evening, Finch & Ada will be exhibiting a September Salon, a group show of selected photography and photo based work by featured artists, who have also been influenced by a decade of change among the visual arts landscape. The September Salon will be on view for three weeks and available by appointment. For private scheduling please contact For more information, please visit comments
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