Here is a wonderful interview with Anna Skladmann who has been photographing the children of Russia's nouveau riche. Her shots of these kids haunt me.

Last week was the 10th anniversary of the biggest art fair in the country. I had been to Miami before but not for ABMB. I was an Art Basel virgin...

You could tell who was from New York because every other person was wearing black even in the 77 degrees weather. Yeah, I saw art.


Wednesday, November 30th at 11th Street Bar

510 East 11th Street (Between A&B) beginning at 6:30

Congratulations to all the winners of Image 11!

Professional: 1st Place: Peter Dazeley

Student: 1st Place: Brad Curran

November 22nd, 2011

It was packed! And rightfully so, with an incredible line-up of reviewers from The New York Times, DDB, PDN, Magnum and tons more. The energy in the room was filled with excitement and maybe even a little nervousness.

October 4th, 2011

One should really use the camera as though tomorrow you'd be stricken blind.

Please join me for this online only exhibition of Kim Keever and Bruce Checefsky's work. From October 4-November 1

While peering into an alternate universe, such as Kim Keever has created using a 200 gallon glass tank filled with water, it's easy to get lost in the hidden chasms of his landscapes.


NEW YORK, NY - September 2011 - Now in its 6th consecutive year, ASMP NY will host its annual Commercial Portfolio Review for all ASMP NY members on October 11, 2011.

Why should you take this course?

· Do you want to learn how to uncover a prospect's budget?

· Do you ever hear, "I'm interested, call me after the holidays?" or "This is great, I just need to run it by my boss/editor/wife/business partner?" but you never hear back from the prospect?

· Do you feel


Tomorrow night September 12th is the very special curated photography show by Ruben Natal-San Miguel about the 10 years since 9/11. This exhibition is supported by Finch & Ada.


Ahhh, the very important issue of stealing imagery from photographers to make a buck. In this case, Michael Dweck is $100,000 richer via Malibu Denim Co. thanks to the courts and rightfully so. Justice prevails! Click here for more on this story.

Longtime photojournalist Michael Kamber is the force behind the Bronx Documentary Center, a venue for photography, film, and new media that opens in September with an exhibition on the work of the late photojournalist Tim Hetherington, who was killed in Libya in April.

Focus on Sales: Sandler Sales Training Level One

Tuesdays, this fall! Sandler Sales Training is back ! Why should you take this course?

Do you want to learn how to uncover a prospect's budget? Did you ever hear, "I'm interested, but call me back after the holidays"? Then you never heard back from

Must give a major shout out to Stella Kramer who edited and published this blog for the past few years- keeping it chocked full of information and writings based on the contemporary photography world, commercially and in fine art. It must be noted that she posted everything before August 2011.


This hurricane will surely be a phot-op so if you are brave and want to take the risk, please take necessary precautions. And if you want to send them to the blog to post, please do at

For the rest of us, we'll opt to stay dry.

Most of us miss the smell of a darkroom and the potent chemicals that seep through our hands and clothes back in the day when the darkroom was king.

Attention All Photographers!- 2001-2011- A Decade of Insanity : Still Searching for Healing- Exhibition

Attention all Photographers!- I am back to curating, As a survivor of Sept 11 attacks, will like to celebrate life, commemorate the 10 year anniversary and how photography has changed the face of

Resource is putting together a Summer inspired film series (with the curation help of our friends at Vimeo) and we want you to be there. The event is at Factory Studios. factorybrooklyn​.com

We're taking over 2 floors of Factory!

Today at 7:00pm

@Factory Studios

79 Lorimer St.

Saturday, August 13, 2011, 12pm

ASMPNY's Summer Party on the Hudson

ASMPNY's Summer Party is THIS SATURDAY! Photogs will appreciate the beautiful view (and breeze) along the Hudson River at the PIER i CAFÉ. You might want to bring your camera, or ride your bike to get there.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011, 6:30pm at Calumet

It's time to get your printed and/or iPad portfolios, business cards, printed promos, and your networking chops ready! The Annual ASMPNY Commercial Portfolio Review will take place October 11, 2011.


This Friday August 12th Stephen Mallon (friend and former ASMPNY prez) is a part of the official selection for Bklyn's Rooftop Films. "A Bridge Delivered" is a multi-timelapse video of Willis Ave bridge transport and install.

NY Photographer Manjari Sharma's current series titled "Darshan" explores the journey into spirituality and her connectedness to it. It's big and ambitious and her test image is stunning! She has the vision, she just needs a big push! Let's help her any way we can... everything counts.

The interesting thing I find about taking the Sandler sales training class is that it is forcing me to think about my relationship with money. I don’t think I’m unusual in the sense that I have trouble talking about it with people. I think most of us do.


You have until May 8 to enter your work in ASMP's Image 11 competition.

Hey ASMP-ers!How about getting together with your fellow members on Wednesday, May 4 at 6:30pm to show your work, eat pizza, drink and just be with other photographers. The get together is at Rod Goodman's Studio at 379 Park Ave. South, 3rd floor.

It's that time of year again, the time to enter Image11, the nationwide photo contest run by ASMP New York. It's open to all professional, serious amateur and student photographers residing in the United States.

I’m trying to practice what I’ve been learning from the Sandler Sales classes, but I find it’s hard to break your pattern of speaking with people in order to learn a new way of communicating. I think I need to practice and role play until it comes naturally.

The third class of the Sandler Sales training class focused on asking the questions needed to draw out your potential client in order to seal the deal and get the job.

Blog Archive
About Me
About Me
My Photo
I've been in the art and photography industry for 15 years as a photographer, curator and art consultant. I've been fortunate to work with ASMPNY as a portfolio reviewer as well as a panelist for photography events here in the city. Earlier this year my exhibition, "Hotter Than July" was reviewed by senior art critic of New York Magazine, Jerry Saltz. In the past I founded, a site for emerging creatives with a gallery space in Chelsea as well as curator/consultant of exhibitions for the Hipstamatic iphone app. Currently I'm working on a project documenting the New York art world while curating exhibitions around the city.
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