Making People Love You Madly
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
How do you stand out in a crowded market? Not by spending the most and yelling the loudest — that’s a sucker’s game (and boy, do those suckers get annoying, fast.) The secret to gaining attention in a noisy world lies in making yourself irresistible at all turns: in person, on your website, over the phone, and of course, on all those crazy social media outlets that keep popping up all over the internet. Learn how to let your glorious creative light shine through in every aspect of your marketing, promotion and services, and have the time of your life doing it.
How do you stand out in a crowded market? Not by spending the most and yelling the loudest — that’s a sucker’s game (and boy, do those suckers get annoying, fast.) The secret to gaining attention in a noisy world lies in making yourself irresistible at all turns: in person, on your website, over the phone, and of course, on all those crazy social media outlets that keep popping up all over the internet. Learn how to let your glorious creative light shine through in every aspect of your marketing, promotion and services, and have the time of your life doing it.